ANYWAY, lalala. it was raining damn heavily just now. was stranded in school. waited for the rain to stop then went home. what a boring life! got tuition later. damn. ms cheong's last day today): sad):
NATALIE! TELL ME WHO PLEASE! haha. PLEASE PLEASE! i'm you're good good friend!(:(:(:
oh & hate my brother! I HATE THAT BLOODY ASSHOLE BROTHER OF MINE! grrr.
what an ass!
heh. we'll miss you loads!
nice nice whiteboard!<3
amelia&miss cheong
us 3(:
aww. haha. oh&i got pictures of our nice nice notice board too! damn nice!
our comment board.
&yes, amelia and i love wentworth miller!!<33
arsenal, liverpool&man u suck baby!
BRANDON! brandon urie!
ain't it nice?(:
i got GMR finally!
i've been waiting for AGES!
&its totally worth the wait!
damn good album!
best one out of 4.
its the best shit!
its less dark and much more dancy.
its nice!
everyone has to go get it!
NOW! hahah
&oh, my parents are finally considering getting me an electric. FINALLY. haha. yay for me(:
Don’t know why but i‘ve been feeling kinda confused recently. i don't really know what's happening. God, please help me and guide me to what You think is right. i don't know what's all this i'm feeling. don't ask. i really don't wanna talk about it. i myself don't even know what's it about. i'm really confused. i don't know what THIS is. God, please help me. i really really don't know what's this i'm feeling now. i am confused. all the stress is building up. its not as simple as it seems...
1. Have you ever changed your clothes
while in a vehicle?
- haha yes. but it was LOOONNGG ago.
2. What's something you MUST do before
you die?
- go to stamford bridge&fall in love at least ONCE
3. Are you single? Do you want to be?
- yes&yes. i'm VERY happy this way:D
4. What's one thing you will not eat?
- celery, durian... i could list many more
5. What color is your underwear?
- blue a white. its stripy! HAHA
6. When's the last time you went out
of state?
-last december. how deprived right?):
7. What's your birthstone?
- i think its garnet..
8. Have you ever drank milk straight
out of the carton?
- yes. but it wasn't really a carton lah..
10. Can you hula hoop?
- yeah. its fun! ha
11. Have you ever crawled through a
- actually, i've never. i think i'm prolly to big already(:
14. Any cool scars?
- none.
15. Name an old school song you like.
16. Do you talk to yourself?
- i talk to myself alot. sometimes, i think i'm mental!
18. How much does your dog weigh?
- i have no dog.
19. Ever waxed your legs?
- i've never waxed my legs..
20. Earrings or necklaces?
- earrings.
21. who have you talked to most today?
- i think its amelia; i think i talk to her the most everyday.
23. Are you a bad influence?
- yes&no. depends i guess.
24. Do you use smiley faces on the
computer a lot?
- not really. i don't THINK so.
25. Are your grades good?
- hmm... i got 9/30 for math.. what do you think?
27. Have you ever enjoyed listening to
Jack Johnson?
- yeah. i was quite addicted to "upside down" at a time.. and "gone going" too!((:
28.Do you have a song by ozzy osbourne
in your library?
- nope.
29. Do you watch Family Guy regularly?
- nah.
30. Have you ever watched a little
kids show?
- hhaha yup.
31. What is your favorite Disney movie?
- uh. wait i'm thinking.. is finding nemo disney?
32. What is your Zodiac sign?
- is zodiac the chinese one? if it is i'm a monkeyy! haha if its the horoscope then i'm a cap.
33. What makes you feel like a kid
- playing in the rain with no shoes on.
35. What sport do you dislike most?
- golf. its bloody boring!
36. Have you ever gone scuba diving?
-nope. i don't like fishes. hahah
37. What's your favorite smell?
- melted butter and garlic
38. Are you modest?
- hahah modest. nicola is modest!
39.Do you care what people think of
- yes of course!
40. What do you do when you're driving?
- i don't have a license; i'm too young.
42. Do you follow college football?
- nope
43. Where was the last place you went
- united square on sunday
45. Favorite football team?
46. Do you watch the Olympics?
- some events only.
47. Last club you went to?
- i'm underage.
48. Do you have a favorite number?
- 6, 26, 7
49. Were you an outcast in middle
- i don't think so..
50. Are you multitasking right now?
- i'm chatting, blogging&listening to music.. but that's not that much..
51. Could you handle being in the
- nah. i think i'd die.
52. Do you believe in Karma?
- hmm.. not really, but it does seem kinda real at times..
53. Describe your back yard?
- it has a ugly view of the neighbour's house. the grass doesn't look nice.
54. How is the weather today?
- its a cool change from the shit sun
55. Stupidest thing you ever did with
your cell phone?
- i got it 'corroded' a month after i got it. damn smart i know.
> [ ] Math is your best subject
> [x]You lovetechnology
> [ ] You eat Chinese food all the time
> [ ] You Love RICE
> [x] You are not so tall
> [ ] You like to wear sandals
> [ ] You have nice car(s)
> [ ] You dont like to play sports
> [ ] You like karaoke
> [ ] You wear tight pants..
> T0TAL= 2
> [ ] You like to drink Kool-Aid
> [x] You love fried chicken
> [x] You like to play basketball or
> football
> [ ] You go to AJ Wright or Marshalls
> to get your clothes
> [ ] You love hot sauce
> [ ] You hate/dislike school
> [ ] You Wear baggy Pants
> [x] You like to listen to Rap and R&B
> [ ] You're always broke
> [ ] You say nigga alot
> [ ] You have a bunch of brothers &
> sisters
> T0TAL= 3
> [x] soccer is your sport
> [ ] You like sneaking into places
> [ ] You love beans
> [ ] You love rice.
> [ ] You always take your time
> [x] You love soda
> [ ] You like to watch Telemundo
> [ ] shorts are better
> [ ] You never like to wear pants
> [ ] You instigate in fights
> [ ] You Like Batchata y Merengue
> T0TAL= 2
> [ ] You take baseball seriously
> [x] You have clothes from American
> Eagle, Abercrombie, Aeropostale,
> Hollister..ETC
> [x] You always have money
> [ ] You listen to HARDCORE music
> [ ] You cant jump
> [ ] You`re scared of saying the word
> nigga
> [ ] You never like to wear pants
> [x] You love school
> [ ] You own a pair of
> DC's/Etnies/Audios/Vans/sneaux
> [x] You like to watch Laguna beach
> T0TAL= 4
> Now count up the x's in each catagory
> and mutiply it by 10
> Repost saying
> "i am 20% asian, 30% black, 20%latino,40%white
1. are you missing someone right now?
- yup.
2. are you happy?
- quite
3. are you talking to anyone right now?
4. are you bored?
5. are you germany?
-uh no
6. are you irish?
- no
7. are you chinese?
- yes
8. are you asian?
- yes
9. are your parents still married?
- duh
10. do you like someone right now?
- i don't know.
1. televison show:
- grey's anatomy
2. flower:
- daisies&roses
3. color:
- green, black, pink
4. sport:
5. mall:
- i've suddenly starting liking taka. haha.
6. music :
- GOOD CHARLOTTE!&much much more
7. food:
- i'm a pig. i like alot. haha
8. season:
- autumn
9. animal:
- dogs.
10. subject :
- literature&geog; my mum thinks i'm crazy
1. hometown:
- singapore
2. hair color:
- i don't think my hair's completely black.. its like dark dark brown
- contradiction by calvin klein.
4. hair style:
- i hate my fringe now.
5. eye color:
- brown
6. shoe size:
- seven
7. mood:
-i have no idea actually.
8. skin color:
- quite tanned
9. available?:
- more than available. haha
10. lefty/righty:
- righty
1. have you ever been in love?
- i'm not sure
2. do you believe in love?
- yes
3. why did your last relationship fail?
- what last relationship?
4. have you ever been heartbroken?
- i don't know
5. have you ever broken someone's
- HAHA. maybe.
6. have you ever fallen for one of
your best friends?
- no&i hope i don't
7. have you ever liked someone but
never told them?
- uh.. don't think so
8. are you afraid of commitment?
- maybe in the long run
9. has someone ever kissed your hand?
- nope.
10. have you ever had a secret admirer?
- haha how'd i know. it IS a SECRET admirer
1. love or lust:
- love
2. hard liquor or beer:
- hard liquor
3. night or day:
- night
4. one night stands or relationships:
- haha relationships. one night stands are absolutely meaningless
5. television or internet:
- internet.(:
6. pepsi or coke:
- pepsi
7. wild night out or romantic night in:
- depends with who
8. colored pictures or black and white
- both
9. phone or in person:
- in person
10. friendster or myspace:
- friendster
1. have you ever been caught sneaking
- no. i'm good(:
2. have you ever kissed someone you
dont love?
- no!
3. have you ever done something you
- many many things
4. have you ever bungee jumped?
- ha no.&after i saw that thing on tv with the guy being strangled by the bungee cord, i'm having second thoughts..
5. have you ever been on a house boat?
- nah
6. have you ever finished an entire
jaw breaker?
- nope
7. have you ever wanted someone so
badly it hurts?
- maybe. i can't remember
9. have you ever danced in the rain?
- don't think so..
10. have you ever had a hang over?
- nope.
1. Song playing at the moment?
I Constantly Thank God For Esteban
2. Reasons for living?
God&my best friends
3. Do you think you're ok?
ok meaning?
4. Ever donated blood?
5. Favorite color(s)?
black, green, pink, red
6. Accessories you usually wear?
rings, earrings, bangles
7. One song to describe a heartbreak
in the past?
never really been heartbroken but i like katharine mcphee's over it
8. Last place you went to?
9. Last person you went out with?
my mum
10. The most exciting sport?
11. Ever had a baby?
12. Movie you want to watch?
13. Any piercings?
5 on my ears, but 1 closed i think. i want one on my belly; i'm just afraid of the pain
14. The most romantic gift?
i don't know!
15. Act on stage before?
sort of
16. Struck by lightning before?
hahah yeah&i died on the spot!
17. Danced with your loved ones before?
no. i don't dance. heh
18. Ever wished you could turn back
19. What would you do if you woke up
one day to find yourself to be with
someone from the opposite sex?
find out who it is, check for my clothes, &if i don't know the person i'd find out who he is.
20. One song that's meaningful to you?
over it&i don't love you
haha i know it sounds like i just broke up with someone but NO i have not. hahah its just that those songs are damn nice!
21. Missing whoever now?
22. What will you be doing tomorrow?
school. netball. homework. sleep. breathe. blink. eat. bathe
23. Ever thought of robbing a bank?
hell no
24. One thing you totally regret
alot of things; i can't remember cos i don't wanna remember
25. Do people like you?
i think. but who knows?
27. Someone who means a lot to you at
the moment?
my mummy&daddy&bestfriends
28.The color of your bed?
huh? which part?
29. Do you hate someone at the moment?
YES. &i think practically the whole world knows who
30. What do you wish to happen now?
that i'd get 3 wishes! hahah
31. Last time you ate pizza?
last saturday
32. Ever been given a ring?
33. Do people think you're weird?
how'd i know
34. Movies now showing that you hate?
happily never after? i don't know. it just seems lame and weird
35. Most important thing in your room?
36. Last movie watched?
just follow law
37. Last television show watched?
that 70s show
38. Who is the person you want to see
right now?
39. Ever called a person useless?
40. Are you good at hiding your
very good!(:
i shall make my blog posts super conservative from now on. haha
this is the topic of the day #1 for yesterday(19/03/07)
by amelia and chelsea(:
my_________ scares me.
haha. top 10 things _________ say to scare us.
(hahah. can't really announce it here..heh)
topic of the day #2
ugly people(unisex).. we might not be using real names for some people.
10. orangefish(overrated) , amelia's hot uncle(hot as in spicy since he loves to cook spice)
9. e-E
8. alex ferguson
7. william hung
5. CRS
4. pinocchio&sister
3. high high high when crustal plates crash together what do you get
2. ICK
1. dory&dad, elephant shit , psycho ex, ronaldinho, and felicia(amelia's sister)'s hamster
&no la.. we're not being mean or anything
topic of the day#3
top 10 hot people(unisex)
3rd topic of the day----------> 10 hot people(unisex)
10 BK(haha&by this we do not mean our math teacher..)
9 pete wentz,&jesse mccartney
8 benji madden,&wilber pan
7 our bestfriendSSSSS&mark gonzalez(don't like liverpool but we love him)
6 hotel(hurhur)&ms eileen chong( ex lit teacher.. amelia came up with this one..)
5 jose mourihno&our new lit teacher
4 mojo jojo(being evil is so damm hot)&joel madden
3 shevchenko
2 wentworth miller
1 JOHN TERRY&frank lampard&US(of course we are.. HAHA)
haha i know we seem ego..
ohoh,& our during lit masterpiece!!

i love ameliaaaaaa!!
haha its quite funny. but its all rubbish
amelia: chelsea types damm fast, and i type like a tortoise comparted to her.. ohoh remember teen VO-G-UUUUEEE
hahahah yeah nicola amd her shit. HAHHAHA nicola looks hideous now! i think amelia and i are the nioisiest shits in the comp lab. we're typing damn fast. school is damn fun lah. everyday making lists and all that shit. hahahaha, damn fun! we made more list today. and yesterday's too. i will compile all of them when we finally decide that its enough. ooh friendster's loading quite fast.. i was irritating pijiu in class today. hahaha annoying her and asking if she likes my other best friend. she denies it and i believe her.. but its damn funny to annoy her! and cheryl tan supports me! hahahah. damn fun! i love good charlotte! hahahaha random! hahahah. anyway.. can't blog much now. nothing to say. i realise i've been damn high these few days... hahahha
oh, haha my mum found my friendster. haha. and she was like asking me all these weird questions and all. shit funny. my parents think i'm hiding something from them. does it seem like i'm hiding something from them? i don't think so. i have nothing to hide. i'm VERY guai! (: but since they wanna think that way, i'll just let them think whatever they want to. i'm tired of arguing already!
went out with nicola&co. yesterday to celebrate vera's and esther's birthday. went to taka. haha met amelia's other best friend too. went to vera's house after that and had our last OM meeting. amelia and i went back to town after that. heh:D went back and had a 2 hour phone convo with my bestfriends till my parents came back. lalala
haha my bro's at silyn's birtday party now.
omg. look what i found on the chelseafc website

shit. i just posted like 10 pix but they all disappeared and this was what i was left with. ah well... i can't be bothered to repost. i'm lazy. today's supposed to be my studying day. didn't get to study much though.. did a little of my math worksheet.. tuition work... GOING OUT AGAIN TOMORROW(:(:(: been going out everyday i think. heh. went to town with amelia yesterday after the geog thing. she got me another corny tee! yay! hurhur. went out shopping by myself on monday. i'm NEVER EVER going shopping on my own again! it was the shittiest! hmm... what did i do on tuesday? haha i can't remember... my phone alarm rang at 345 this morning. i hit snooze and snoozed for another 15mins.. i woke up at 4 and ran downstairs to watch the match. damn the match was boring. chelsea, i'm sure should be able to score more against a side like man city. like wth. WHY? WHY ONLY 1-0?! anyway.. what matters most is that chelsea managed to clinch the 3 points. i don't know what to say already. hahaha.
the "i don't love you" vid by MCR is SOOOO HOT! frank is the love!
Shit! My keyboard’s screwing up on me AGAIN! Dammit! This is damn annoying! I’m going to Esther’s house later on. I think I’ll be going down to town first cos I need to buy some stuff…birthday presents for vera and esther… I’m gonna be one broke girl! Lalala. I don’t want frank lampard and john terry to leave! Its gonna be bad if they do! And jose mourinho too! They can’t leave! Just agree to the damn contracts you assholes at
well... last night's match was interesting. i almost wanted to die until kalou scored the equalizer. THANK GOD! phew. from 3-1 to 3-3! yay chelsea! hurhur. this means more matches to play-.- and if we DID win last night it'd mean that we have one less to play compared to man u who also drew.. ah well.. i'd rather we have a re-play than be knocked out by tottenham. I ABSOLUTELY HATE SPURS!
Anyway, I bought a guess bag yesterday! Hahah. Damn happy. I can’t find a picture of it though… haha. I don’t think my mum’s gonna let me buy anything for a LONG time…
i'm happy(:
presents for me!!
hahah. i'm retarded. last day of school today! it's the start of the hols! my fringe is being damn annoying now:/ my holidays are gonna be damn busy!
monday: shopping(maybe), then OM shit
tuesday: shopping(maybe.. i either go on monday or tuesday)
wednesday: stupid geog project
thursday: stupid history project at dwi's house
friday: vera and esther's birthday celebration. i am one broke broke girl!
yesterday was BAD! elizabeth lien spat water at me. as in water that had already been inside her mouth all over my left thigh.(EEW!) why?! of all people why her?! so shitty! oh we watched hot shots yesterday in class. haha damn funny. not sure if it was THAT suitable for us though. i realised there are many MANY innocent people in my class. like seriously. they don't get ALOT of the jokes lah. haha. and damn slow too. i got a new lit teacher. i think she's the prettiest teacher i have. hurhur. and i found something i don't think i should've known. ohoh i found her friendster! hahaha.
i am bored. can anyone entertain me?
oh nicola can!
let the record play;;
hmm... i also found out quite alot of stuff about my bro.
i shall remember all that for when he annoys me or when i want to blackmail him..
i considered telling my parents...
but i'm nice la.. so i won't
he told silyn that he liked her and wanted to go out with her sometime soon..
like wtf why is my life so uninteresting compared to his?! he's like more successful than me! anyway, i'm bored. school's gonna be ending on 1.40 on wednesdays from term 2 onwards! yay! no more 3.10 shit dismissals! we didn't really have enlgish lesson today. we ended up watching some horror movie that wasn't even scary. it was just gruesome. but i guess alot of people found it scary cos they were all screaming and all. it was quite lame la... damn waste of time. we should have watched hot shots instead. anyway, music lesson was good.. we were allowed to use our phones cos of some noise thing. haha. mrs goh actually said no messaging or calling or anything.. hurhur but i think alot of people didn't really obey her.. lalala..
my poor best friend.. cheer up and don't be sad anymore okay. i'm becomming sad too):
i'm officially addicted to desperate housewives.
bloody hell man u won.
by luck as usual
91st minute.
i went back on the first night cos i had a bad headache.
besides it was raining like hell so they probably couldn't do much.
it was damn shit lah. really.
thank god i came back.
didn't go to school on thursday cos i was resting at home so i only went back on friday with amelia, abby and violet. amelia didn't even go for camp. on the first night, 7 people went back already. that's alot. wonda, me, abby, violet, vera, kartika&sarah.
friday we didn't really do much in school. watched chocolat. johnny depp is so hot!
went out with abby and violet after that.. went down to town for awhile. wanted to go to kap at first but we changed our minds... thank God we changed our minds man.. later on amelia called me to tell me that luckily i didn't go there.
it started raining so once again i was walking in the rain:/
my mum's sick now.
it's her turn to lose her voice.
my grandfather has diabeties(sp?)):
he's grumpier than usual now.
went to church for bs just now&missed the bus so i had to wait so bloody long till the next bus came.&theres like only ONE bus i can take lah.
after bs went over to buy some stuff to eat.. saw janine, weiyee&natc.
didn't expect to see them.
tonight's the big match between liverpool and manchester united.
the reds vs. the red devils..
i'll be a liverpool supporter today!(:
anything except man u!
then the chelsea match is like later at 1.10am..
john terry won't be playing.
his accident thing was damn scary lah!
but i agree!
he IS an iron man..
this helps me memorize my periodic table more easily.
JT=26=iron man
26=iron on the table.
therefore.. 26=iron! haha
omgg so gay.
their concert's tonight!
abby went for meet and greet.
she gave away a ticket a day before i asked her!|:
shit la.
she gets to see/hug/touch/talk to pete!
i love mtv this month!
artist of the month:GOOD CHARLOTTE!
i've waited TWO YEARS for this okay!

good charlotte=love<33
and FALL OUT BOY is buzz worthy!!!

fall out boyyyy!
they're playing tonight!!):
i wanna goooo!